American Public Television

Distributed by American Public Television.

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Cycling Charity Events

Pedal America aims to make a difference. To have your charitable event posted on our site, go to our charitable cycling events page to make an informal request.

Safe Routes To School

Pedal America supports Safe Routes To School. Click here to learn if you live in a Safe Routes neighborhood. Let us know at so we can list you on the website and maybe give your neighborhood an on-air shout-out.

Pedal America Jersey

pedal america voler jacket
 Purchase your own Pedal America-Voler cycling jersey made right here in the U.S.A. Ride with pride! 

Pedal America donates a percentage of its net proceeds to the League of American Bicyclists. The nonprofit organization works to ensure that federal budgets include dedicated funds for bicycle pathways. So get your jersey and then " Get out there and Pedal America!"
Ira David on MAP-21 -- The New Federal Transportation Bill PDF Print

The response to a new survey on our FB page indicates many viewers would like to see more news articles about cycling. We can certainly do that, as the Pedal America team does more than just produce television and attend events to meet with our fans. 

Behind the scenes, I do spend time advocating for improved bike lanes and infrastructure so that when you go out to ride, you have a safe place to do it. Each March I attend the National Bicycle Summit in Wash., D.C. to learn from advocates and visit with members of Congress to ensure they work to commit federal funds for more bicycle infrastructure.  One of the most important developments this year is the federal transportation bill MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century.  The law basically gives more power to the states for deciding how to spend your tax dollars for transportation, including bicycle infrastructure and programs.  I won’t weigh you down with details here. If you want to learn more on your own, click here, visit the League of American Bicyclists or talk to your local bicycle club leaders or bike shop. 

In front of the camera I tend to steer clear of politics because that's not what Pedal America is about. We showcase cycling as fun, attainable, and a great way to enjoy the great outdoors with your friends and family.  I do try to tell the stories of what makes communities and tourism destinations more bicycle-friendly. I feel it’s an important component to our story telling so you can learn the safest and most interesting places to enjoy when planning that next trip -- even if you have no intention of riding bikes at all.  Yep, not all of our fans ride and that’s fine with me!

Just know that Pedal America is more than just a TV show. We care about travel, we love our bikes, and part of that passion means exercising a little political muscle during our down time to ensure fun, safe places for y'all to enjoy!  

Did I say that right, "Youall?" "Yall?" Hmm, check our Savannah episode. 

Ira David

will in savannah

Speaking of down-time activity, here our Sound Mixer, Wil Masisak, takes time for his daily dose of Espresso between shooting scenes in Savannah.