American Public Television

Distributed by American Public Television.

Create TV

Small Screen

Out-Write Media

Cycling Charity Events

Pedal America aims to make a difference. To have your charitable event posted on our site, go to our charitable cycling events page to make an informal request.

Safe Routes To School

Pedal America supports Safe Routes To School. Click here to learn if you live in a Safe Routes neighborhood. Let us know at so we can list you on the website and maybe give your neighborhood an on-air shout-out.

Pedal America Jersey

pedal america voler jacket
 Purchase your own Pedal America-Voler cycling jersey made right here in the U.S.A. Ride with pride! 

Pedal America donates a percentage of its net proceeds to the League of American Bicyclists. The nonprofit organization works to ensure that federal budgets include dedicated funds for bicycle pathways. So get your jersey and then " Get out there and Pedal America!"
Pedal America Joins Create® TV! PDF Print

Producing a new television series takes a tremendous effort and watching our viewers respond with questions and ideas makes the effort all worthwhile. The series is about you, the viewer. It’s about educating, entertaining, and treating you to new places and ways of exploring your own backyards.

I’m thrilled to share that starting August 15th even more viewers can enjoy Pedal America®. Please let your friends and family members know that their local PBS Create® TV stations will broadcast the series on Wednesday and Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. (EST) with re-broadcasts on Wednesday afternoons. Check local listings.

Continue to send us your ideas and comments and we’ll do our best to give you shout-outs on our show, website, and Facebook pages.

Visit our booth space at these up-coming events:

RAGBRAI; Souix City, Iowa (July 21)
Providence Bridge Pedal; Portland, Oregon (August 12)
MS 150 Ride; New Bern, North Carolina (September 8-9)
Bicycle Bash; Tampa, Florida (November 4)

Signed With Helmet Love,
Ira David

pedal america event photo 

Here are just a few of Pedal America's team members who help to bring you the best programing possible. We'll continue to keep working on your behalf. Visit us at events to "hi" and win one of these fantastic Subaru-Pedal America jerseys.